Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Special Gift

A special gift that I received would probably be my sketch pad. I got my sketchpad my last year for Christmas, from my mom. When I opened the gift I was shocked, I've never had a sketch pad before. The sketch pad is a special gift because it helped me improve my drawings. It also got me into painting and using clay. Although I have owned a sketchbook, but I never filled the entire pages because it was difficult to draw since it was a hard cover sketchbook. With this sketch pad I almost filled all of the pages with my drawings and paintings! I only need like 7 pages, until the entire sketch pad is full. Thanks to my mom I've improved my art (drawing and painting) a whole lot. And I know I can improve even more, with more practice, and a new sketch pad.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Words for Artists

An inspiration quote that describes me is "Every artist was first an amateur."  I think this quote means that before artist became artist their drawings weren't as well as they are now. Their art used to be like any other kids, but with practice their art is beautiful and unique. I choose this quote because it actually relates on how I'm growing as a future artist. Before I decided my dream is to be an artist my drawing weren't so great. When I look at them now I just think, "Wow, what is that? Is that how I used to draw?" But as soon I decided I wanted to be an artist, I began practicing my drawing and they got better and better. Right now my drawing are pretty good, at the moment, but I know I will get better and better and complete my dream with that one quote that inspire me to continue.